Ory Okolloh - http://twitter.com/#!/kenyanpundit
Ory Okolloh is a Kenyan activist who founded Ushahidi.com. Her tweets cover issues of corruption and politics issues in Africa. She currently holds the position of Policy Manager for Africa with Google
William Easterly - http://twitter.com/#!/bill_easterly
William Easterly is a professor of Economics at New York University. His tweets covers economic growth and foreign aid in various countries, including countries in Africa.
Global Development - http://twitter.com/#!/GdnDevelopment
Global development is a section of The Guardian UK’s online publication, which is in partnership with the Bill and Melinda Gates foundation. Their tweets covers events, updates and opinions with regards to the Millennium Development Goals
Emeka Okafor - http://twitter.com/#!/emeka_okafor
Emeka Okafor is a venture catalyst and entrepreneur and was the director for TED Global 2007 that took place in Tanzania. His tweets focus on entrepreneurship, new technology and opportunities in Africa. He also has blog called Timbuktu Chronicles - http://timbuktuchronicles.blogspot.com/
World Bank Africa - http://twitter.com/#!/WorldBankAfrica
World Bank Africa is the African arm of the international organization – World Bank. Their tweets focus on the work the Bank is doing and the developments taking place in Africa